The Bulk Actions Center provides Docs users with an interface and workflows to grant both workstream and execution-phase approvals across multiple agreements at once. Currently supported bulk action workflows include:
- Approvals to Regulatory Protocol Agreement Transitions
- Approvals to RateSynced Agreements from FCR
- Approvals to Agreements generated from Bulk Initiation actions
User and Party Permissions
Bulk actions will be available to users with the workstream-specific Approval roles:
- Legal Language Approver
- Rates Approver
- Clearing Accounts Approver
- Execution Phase Approver
Users from all firms will be able to action Regulatory Protocol Agreement Transitions and Bulk Agreement initiation events. Additionally, firms who are subscribed to the FCR RateSync offering (Buy or Sell-Side) will be able to action RateSynced Agreements from FCR. For additional information on subscribing to the FCR offerings, please reach out to
Accessing and Navigating the Bulk Actions Center
The Bulk Actions Center is available under the Docs > Documents dropdown, by choosing the "Bulk Actions" option.
The page will display all current and historical bulk events, along with the following details regarding the event:
- Bulk Action ID: Used to identify a given bulk action for a firm, and to group associated agreements
- Action Name: Type of event for the bulk action. Currently supported actions are:
- Status: Status of Bulk Actions associated with Event
- Pending - Not Yet Actioned
- Completed - Actions Completed
- Processing - Bulk Actions in process of completion
- Error - Error completing Bulk Action
- Agreements Affected: Total Count of Agreements within Bulk Action event
- Created On: Date Bulk Action Event was initiated
- Created By: Initiator of the Bulk Action
- From Party: Party associated with the initiator of the Bulk Action event
- My Party: Impacted party/parties for user viewing Bulk Action
Bulk Action Page
By selecting the hyperlinked Bulk Action ID within the landing page, users will be taken to a detail page for the selected Bulk Action. The page includes the Action Type, details on the agreements included in the Bulk Action, and will display a selection checkbox on the leftmost column if an action is available for a given agreement.
Bulk Approvals
Selecting the checkbox on the left of a given agreement row will cause the "Approve" button to become available:
Upon selecting "Approve" an Approval Details modal will display, allowing users to select which party they are approving the agreements on behalf of (for cases in which a user is permissioned to multiple agreement parties), and which approvals - by workstream - they are providing. Please note, if multiple Agreement States are included (ex. Composition and Execution), appropriately permissioned users will have the option to provide both workstream-level and execution approvals, noting that Execution approvals will only apply to agreements in Execution state.
After selecting your party and desired approvals, the "Approve" button will become available:
Once approved, the bulk action will be submitted for processing, with the messages below displaying as (1) the request is submitted, and (2) the request is completed.
The status of recently updated Bulk Actions will be available in the main Bulk Actions page, or by selecting the hyperlinked bulk action ID in the notification shown above.
Similar to single agreement approvals, users will receive email notifications of agreements actions that have been performed via the Bulk Action center, with consolidated messages being sent rather than individual agreement notifications.
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