To view profiles you've already created go to Profiles, Search, make sure the drop down reads "Managed by Me", leave the Search field blank and click Search. This will display all profiles managed by your user account or participant.
To update an existing profile just click the blue profile ID to open the profile details page
Updating General Profile Info
On the Profile Details page click Edit on the section you would like to update:
Update the appropriate information, and click Save:
Updating Main Contact or Beneficial Owner CFTC 19-17 Contact Info
To edit information within the existing Natural Person Main Contact profile click on the OCR ID to open the profile page for that Natural Person profile:
then click Edit, update the relevant info, and Save.
To add a new Main Contact or Beneficial Owner CFTC 19-17 Contact click "Choose Existing" to associate an already existing Natural Person profile, or click "Create New" to create a new Natural Person profile.
The Beneficial Owner CFTC 19-17 Contact addresses the requirement of CFTC Letter 19-17 (the “Letter”) which mandates that US FCMs that support separate account margining obtain and maintain current contact information for an authorized representative of the beneficial owner of each separately margined clearing account at the US FCM. CFTC oral guidance is that designation of a representative at the asset manager is not permissible, and that the designated Beneficial Owner CFTC 19-17 Contact should be a natural person at or within the structure of the Beneficial Owner, with sufficient authority to receive and address an FCM’s notice that an account of the Beneficial Owner has failed to timely pay margin.
If you're not sure if your Legal Entity owner profile requires a Beneficial Owner CFTC 19-17 Contact then please reach out to your reporting firm for more information.
Updating Reporting Firm Permissions
To update your permissioned reporting entities, scroll down to "Profile Permissions" click Edit, check the box for your relevant reporting firms, and Save.
Please let us know if you have any questions: or 1-202-772-3088.
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