What is the Docs REST API?
The REST-based API supports enhanced integration between the Docs application and internal firm systems. The API supports multiple data calls for the following main components of system data:
- Agreement
- Clearing Account
- Rate Schedules in Rate Schedule Library
- Reference Data (Parties & Products)
The API is designed to allow firms to access Docs data in their systems, through either scheduled or ad hoc calls. While Docs includes functionality for Agreement detail export through the Agreement Search tool, the API provides access to a broader set of data points, providing a foundation for further internal reporting and data analysis.
Why should clients use the REST API?
1. For Agreement data, the API supports calls for agreement Details, or agreement Updates.
Details (p. 12 of documentation): Agreement ID, Clearing Accounts, Accounts, Bill To, Rate Schedule details, Parties, Dates, etc. These may be useful for clearing account reporting, particularly when paired with the Updates call, as well as pulling Rate Schedule information for schedules on agreements.
Updates: Returns agreements which have been updated within a specified timeframe
2. For Clearing Accounts, the API supports adding clearing accounts (single or multiple), and expiring accounts.
3. The Rate Schedule calls are designed for integration between third party rate schedule tools and the Docs Rate Schedule library. These API calls support the posting, deletion, and download of schedules from the library, noting that these DO NOT pull or post rate schedules to agreements themselves.
4. Reference Data calls provide details on agreement parties, as well as the various data points used in rate schedules (Exchanges, Product Groups, etc.) This data may be used in combination with details from the calls above to build out internal reports as well as integrate with additional systems, depending on a firm's needs and development resources.
Who can use the REST API?
Any Docs firm who subscribes to the Storage feature may use the API, regardless of whether their party is configured as a Broker, Customer, or Trader. Use of the API is available to these firms free of charge. Non-Storage firms seeking to access the API may contact Docs.Support@fia-tech.com to update their system subscription to allow API connectivity.
API Onboarding
In order to create and configure new API account, the following information must be provided by a Docs Admin of all parties for which the API account is permissioned:
- Admin approval for configuration
- Full list of parties for which the API should be Permissioned
- Unique Email Address to be associated with the API account. This email may not be used for another account in the system, and it may be helpful for firms to use a group email, to ensure profile access if individual users are unavailable.
- Tech Contact who should receive account details. Some firms may elect to have this consolidated and communicated through their Admin, however given the technical nature of API configuration, Admins may designate a tech contact to receive account credentials and details.
The full API specifications as well as a swagger page for testing purposes can be found using the below link:
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