eRecs uses different matching logic and Match Level names when considering a difference in the counterpart Broker on a trade.
For firm's receivable trades eRecs highlights this difference as a Broker Diff
For firm's payable trades eRecs highlights this difference as a No Parent Match
Receivables Recon
Match Level Name - Broker Diff
A Broker Diff occurs when no Alias exists between the Internal broker code (TC) & External broker (Atlantis Participant).
Broker matching for Receivables recon in eRecs is based on aliasing.
Action= Create alias between Internal broker code (TC) & external broker (Atlantis Participant)
Payables Recon
Match Level Name - No Parent Match
Parent Matching for Payable recon is based on Entity mappings. Where the Internal Broker code (TC) is mapped to a Parent Entity. The AtlantisCO or GAINSCO code is mapped to a Legal Entity. These mappings must be complete and the Parent and Legal Entity must be associated for a good Parent Match.
If there are missing mappings or no association between Parent and Legal of the codes then a No Parent Match will result.
Action= Create/ amend mappings in Entity Maintenance
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