Bulk upload mechanism to create a Gemini GiveUp Reference mapping to a Legal Entity in eRecs.
Template will only successfully map Gemini GiveUp References that are currently unmapped.
Template cannot be used to update or change an existing mapping.
The template is available in the eRecs Rpts page and uploaded to the Rpts page.
- Open Erecs Reports portal
- Open the Submit- Batch Trade Update RCV folder
- Open the Templates folder
- Select and download the Template_GIVE-UP-REF-USER-testfile1.csv file
- The following fields will need to be populated for each giveupRef entered in the template
giveupRef- Erecs Gemini Giveup Reference that is currently unmapped
- These can be found in the Error Log or the Giveup Reference Remap screen
- Action- action will always be UPDATE
- Exchange- exchange code associated to unmapped give up ref, this can be internal exchange code, an aliased exchange, or the exchange description
- BilledEntityKey- Billed entity key for the Legal Entity which the give up ref will be mapped to, available in entity maintenance screen
AddressKey- Receivables Address key for the Legal Entity which the give up ref will be mapped to, available in entity maintenance screen
Both the Billed Entity Key (Entity Key) and Address Key can be found in the Entity Maintenance screen
giveupRef- Erecs Gemini Giveup Reference that is currently unmapped
- The file name will need to be saved in the format below for the file to process
- Remove the prefix TEMPLATE_
- Replace “USER” with user’s username (does not include @FIRM portion of username)
- Replace “testfile1” with a file name/ description
- Ex: GIVE-UP-REF-FIATech-gur2021.csv
- Upload the file back to Rpts page, open the Submit- Batch Trade Update- RCV folder then select the Upload button on the menu bar
- (The file should not be loaded into the Templates folder where the templates were downloaded from.)
- The file will sit in this folder for a short period of time before it is automatically picked up for processing
- Once the file is processed, the results of the bulk upload will be available in the BatchTradeUpdate folder.
- The system will identify the line items that did not process and error out.
- Files that are processed successfully have a prefix of GOOD
- Files that have an error in processing will have the error lines in a file with prefix ERROR
- The system will identify the line items that did not process and error out.
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