Report Name: InvoiceDetailReports
- Data Source: Internal/ External
- Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: All Invoices
- Report Description: Invoice details for both receivables and payables with invoice status
Report Name: TotalReceivedFeeReports
- Data Source:
- Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: Internal RCV Paid trades
- Report Description: Aggregate summary of original accruals, external settled fees and receipt marked amount received per billing account available by Trade Date, Trade Month or Process Month
Report Name: TotalPaidFeeReports
- Data Source: Internal
- Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: Internal PAY Paid trades
- Report Description: Aggregate summary of original accruals, external settled fees and receipt marked amount paid per billing account available by Trade Date, Trade Month or Process Month
Report Name: TotalOutstandingFeeReportsByBroker
- Data Source: Internal
- Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: Outstanding internal trades (any trade not fully Paid)
- Report Description: Aggregate summary of outstanding fees per billing account and broker with trade status available with Trade Date, Trade Month or Process Month
Weekly Metric Reports:
Name: Metric-TotalOutstandingFeeRCVByMatchExch
- Report Description: Aggregate of total outstanding internal RCV fees and quantity by month
Name: Metric-TotalOutstandingFeePayByMatchExch
- Report Description: Aggregate of total outstanding internal PAY fees and quantity by month
Name: Metric-TotalFeeRcvReportByMonthBrokerAcct
- Report Description: Aggregate of total internal RCV fees and quantity received by month
Name: Metric-TotalFeePayReportByMonthBrokerAcct
- Report Description: Aggregate of total internal PAY fees and quantity paid by month
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