Monthly Invoice Overview
FIA Tech bills Atlantis firms on a monthly basis as per pricing dictated on our website. FIA Tech 1.5% of USD brokerage settled up to the annual fee cap.
Monthly Invoice Trade Breakout
In order to reconcile the FIA Tech invoice to trade details, firms will need to use their Final Trade CSV file and a combination of Excel pivot tables. Here are the steps to reconcile each billable category.
Billable EB/CB Amount Settled per Trade Year Reconciliation Process
1. Firms will need to pull a copy of their Legacy Final Trade CSV (<Participant Code>_LEGACY_FINAL_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv) which is available in the Notifications screen.
- These files are created the day after the Payer Lock each Settlement Cycle. The report shows the final settlement status of all Atlantis trades for the Participant in the current settlement cycle at the individual trade level
2. Open the file in Excel and insert a Pivot Table
3. To tie out to the Billable EB/CB Amount Settled a pivot table has to be created for each individual trade year.
Billable EB Amount Settled:
- Add the following fields to the "Filter" of the pivot table:
- Drop in "CarryExchCode" into the "Rows" and "GiveUpAmt" into the "Sum of Values" fields of Pivot Table Fields
- Once the Pivot Table is created, adjust the Filters as follows:
- Record Type = "TE"
- TradeDate = (all)
- ErrorInd = (blank)
- RateType = (all)
Sample finished Pivot Table for Billable EB Amount Settled:
The resulting table will show the total Settled Fee Amount as EB, which should match your invoice.
Billable CB Amount Settled:
- Add the following fields to the "Filter" of the pivot table:
- Drop in "CarryExchCode" into the "Rows" and "GiveUpAmt" into the "Sum of Values" fields of Pivot Table Fields
- Once the Pivot Table is created, adjust the Filters as follows:
- Record Type = "TC"
- TradeDate = (all)
- ErrorInd = (blank)
- RateType = (all)
Sample finished Pivot Table for Billable CB Amount Settled:
The resulting table will show the total Settled Fee Amount as CB, which should match your invoice.
Suggested Use: Reconcile FIA Tech invoice statement. Helps firms identify historic trades that should be settled in order to reduce maintenance fees
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