This article will explain how to complete the “Banding” section of a USLO Rate Card. For detailed instructions on how to complete the required steps in completing a Rate Card to this point, please refer to this support article:
After you have selected your Exchange, Product Group, Product Code, Execution Method, and Default, it is time to select your Rate Type. From the dropdown options, select “Band”. Leave the “Fee Amount” column blank, but do select the relevant currency in the “CCY” column.
You are now ready to begin filling in the Banding rate data, which are found under the purple header.
Start by selection a “Band Apply Type”. There are two options to choose from “UseAllThatApply” and “UseOnlyOne”.
UseAllThatApply should only be used in conjunction with Band Value Type “NumberOfContracts”.
UseOnlyOne can be used with any of the remaining 3 Band Value Type options (Notional, Premium, and TradePrice).
Band Value Type – NumberOfContracts
After you have made these selections, the “Band Number” field in the row should automatically populate with “1”.
You can now fill in the “Band Start”, “Band End”, “Band Fee Amount”, and “Band Rate Type” fields.
Band Start in this first row should always be “1”. Band End, Fee Amount, and Rate Type will be dependent on your specific rates. Once you complete your first row and you move to the 2nd row, the Band Number should automatically populate as 1 integer higher than the previous Band Number.
Repeat the above steps until you have entered all Bands. Note that the Band Start must always be 1 full integer higher than the previous Band End.
Example: If your previous row Band End was 100, your next row Band Start needs to be 101.
Band Value Type – Premium, Notional, and TradePrice
These 3 Band Value Types all follow the same rules when completing the rest of the Rate Card. After you select your Band Value Type, the Band Number should automatically fill as 1.
You can now fill in the “Band Start”, “Band End”, “Band Fee Amount”, and “Band Rate Type” fields. Band Start in this first row should always be “0”. Band End, Fee Amount, and Rate Type will be dependent on your specific rates. Once you complete your first row and you move to the 2nd row, the Band Number should automatically populate as 1 integer higher than the previous Band Number.
Repeat the above steps until you have entered all Bands. Note that the Band Start must always be 0.00001 higher than the previous Band End.
Example: If your previous row Band End was 50, your next row Band Start needs to be 50.00001.
Once completed, Save the updated Rate Card to your computer so that it can be uploaded into Atlantis.
When you are ready to upload the Rate Card, go back to the Atlantis UI > Agreements screen. Directly next to the Download USLO Ratecard button is “Upload USLO Ratecard”. Select this option.
Select your Atlantis Participant Code from the drop-down menu and then “Select File”.
Locate the saved USLO Rate Card on your computer and upload it here.
You can now view your USLO Rate Card directly in the Atlantis Agreements screen by filtering “Agreement Type > USLO”
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