Parties that operate in a Customer or Trader role on Docs must grant visibility to all Broker parties with whom they intend to have a give-up agreement. Once visibility has been granted by a Customer/Trader to a Broker, that Customer/Trader name will appear in the party name dropdown within the Agreement Initiation page. When a Broker initiates an agreement with a party which either has not granted visibility to the Broker, or is not found in the system, they may submit a ‘Party Not Found/Visibility Request’ to request addition to the specified Customer or Trader's ‘Approved Broker’ list; or to request a new non-conformed party be created within Docs.
Party Not Found/Visibility Requests are completed in the following ways:
If the requested party is entered with an existing, and correct party name and role, the system will link it directly to the party.
If it is a conformed Customer or Trader party (one that uses the system), e-mail notifications will be sent to all Administrators for that party, to request that they add the Broker to their Approved Broker list.
If it is an existing, non-conformed party (one that does not use the system), the system will automatically add the Broker to the Customer or Trader's Approved Broker list.
If the party requested is misspelled, incomplete, in the wrong role, or does not exist in Docs, the request will be sent to the Docs Support Team to:
create a new non-conformed party,
route the request to the proper conformed party so the Admin(s) for that party can add the Broker to their Approved Broker list;
or reject the request to ask for further information.
Creating a Party Not Found/Visibility Request
Broker parties may create a Party Not Found/Visibility Request when initiating a new GUA by entering all parties they want to list on the agreement in the roles required, then selecting ‘Initiate Agreement’.
If any party listed on the agreement is not found in the system, the below pop-up will appear:
Until the FIA Tech Client Support Team either creates a new non-conformed party for this entity, or routes the agreement to the correct party name, the agreement status will show as seen below. This will indicate who the action is pending with.
If the Customer or Trader party listed is a conformed party (uses Docs), one of their Admins would need to add one or more Broker parties to their Approved Broker list. If this is pending with the Customer or Trader party, the below pop-up will appear:
Until the Customer or Trader party adds one or more Broker parties to their Approved Broker list, the agreement status will show as seen below. This will indicate who the action is pending with.
Accepting a Party Not Found/Visibility Request
Visibility requests will be displayed on the Dashboard for Customer or Trader party Administrators, in the Docs Pending Actions widget. To expand the request, select the arrow/triangle symbol next to the agreement ID (and not the agreement ID itself). This will show the Broker parties requesting to be added to the Approved Broker list of a Customer or Trader. Party Administrators may either approve or reject the Visibility Request from the Dashboard, by selecting the green check to approve or the red "X" to reject the request.
Once all brokers have been approved, the agreement will move from a status of ‘Pending Initiation’ to ‘Composition’.
Additionally, with a new feature added in the 185 Release, any Admin for the Customer or Trader party can also see a Visibility Request on the main agreement page and is able to either 'Reject' or 'Approve' from there.
Manually Adding a Broker to Your Approved Broker List
In addition to the Visibility Request process for adding Brokers to the approved Broker list, any Docs Customer or Trader party user with Administrator permission may make manual updates to their party's Approved Broker list at any time. To do so, simply follow the steps below, however, please note that manual addition of Brokers will not result in agreements moving from Pending Initiation to Composition:
From the Users & Parties section, select 'Manage Parties' and search for your specific party name, then select to open the page.
Under GUA Service on the left, select the appropriate role 'Customer Settings' or 'Trader Settings' based on the party role you operate in, or the role you are listed in on the agreement.
- Scroll down to the 'Approved Brokers' section.
Start typing the desired Broker name in the ‘Search Brokers’ field to find the Broker you are looking for. The 'Approved Brokers' section will start populating with parties that match your search. Broker parties will appear in alphabetical order.
Find the correct Broker party from the list, and click the green plus (+) symbol to move that Broker party to your 'Approved Brokers' section at the top of the list.
- To remove a Broker from the Approved Brokers list, simply select the red minus (-) symbol next to the Brokers name. Please note that once a Broker is removed from the list of Approved Brokers, they will not be able to initiate any new agreements, however, existing agreements will remain in place.
Don't forget to 'Save' any changes!
Customer and Trader party Administrators may add as many Brokers as needed to the list at the same time, or may do so when Visibility Requests are submitted.
To delete a Broker party from the Approved list, select that Broker party from the Approved Brokers section at the top, and click on the red - symbol to delete.
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