Agreements that have not been modified by any party for 45 days will automatically be designated by the system as "Stale". These Stale agreements will not display in your Dashboard, however, they will remain available in the system for an additional 45 days prior to being deleted. A Stale agreement can be recalled from Stale into its previous agreement state by any party to the agreement.
System Designation of an Agreement as Stale
An automatic process runs every weeknight in Docs to identify and update non-Executed agreements with a modified date of 45 days or more from the current date. These agreements are designated by the system as "Stale" and their agreement state updated. An email notification is sent to all parties to the agreement as a result of this action, and the modified date on the agreement is updated to ensure that the update feeds through the API.
To review agreements that will soon be marked as Stale, users can sort agreements by days until stale in the Docs Pending Actions widget.
While an agreement is in Stale no party may action it, and the only available actions on these agreements are "Delete" and "Recall from Stale".
Searching for Stale Agreements
In addition to email notifications sent at the time an agreement is set as Stale, users may use the Agreement Search tool from the Agreements dropdown to identify all Stale agreements for their parties. These agreements will be displayed within the Agreement Search when searching either for all agreements (no filter) or by specifically searching for the Agreement State of "Stale".
Recalling an Agreement from Stale
Once an agreement has been updated to Stale, a notification will be displayed at the top of the agreement page, noting the date the agreement transitioned to Stale, as well as the automatic delete date. Within this state, users may select either "Recall from Stale" to restore an agreement to its previous state, or "Delete Agreement" to permanently remove from the system.
After selecting "Recall from Stale", the agreement is brought back to its status prior to being made Stale, with an entry being made in the Agreement History log noting the change.
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