The Accelerate Dashboard supports two widgets displaying statistics on Docs Agreement Execution - Docs Stats, and Docs Stats Over Time. Both widgets include data captured over the preceding 6 months, and are updated on daily basis. Each widget includes specific filters to target specific agreement subsets.
Docs Stats
The Docs Stats widget displays point-in-time details on agreement actions, based on filters for the following criteria:
- Agreement Type
- Party
- Party Role
Within the widget, the statistics displayed shows the average time to approve agreements and workstreams for your party compared to all agreements in the system.
The right hand side displays different counts of agreements:
- Current Executed Agreements: agreements in an Executed state
- Agreements in Composition: agreements in the Composition date
- Stale Agreements: agreements that are in the stale status
- Agreements Pending Your Action: agreements in Pending Initiation, Composition and Execution states where your party can take an action to move the agreement forward (this can include adding information to a workstream or taking an approve action)
Docs Stats Over Time
The Docs Stats Over Time widget displays the average time in days to perform a specified action, for
agreements executed in the past 6 months, not including current month.
The widget supports filtering on a user's visible parties, and will display statistics for all roles performed by the party, based on the selected action:
- Execution
- Legal Language Approval
- Rate Schedule Approval
- Clearing Accounts Approval
For additional details on the Dashboard itself, please review the following Accelerate articles:
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