The Docs Pending Actions widget is designed to assist users in identifying action items towards agreement execution. The widget improves on the historical Docs Dashboard Pending Actions tools with the introduction of additional agreement party details, workstream information, and time outstanding for the pending actions. The pending actions populated in this widget are individual to each user and are based on that user's Docs Roles; the pending actions widget shows a user the things that they as a user can action to move an agreement forward.
The widget supports filtering based on the following criteria:
- Party (within the user's institution)
- Party Role
- Action
- Approve Agreement
- Approve Workstream
- Compose Workstream
- Visibility Request (Only applicable for Customer and Trader Roles)
Additionally, you can choose how to sort the agreements available for you to action by using the sort filter:
- Oldest to Newest
- Newest to Oldest
- Time Until Stale
- Trade Volume (Broker parties only)
Specified filters will update the Pending Actions list to display the Agreement ID, Pending Action, and either the age of the agreement or days until it goes stale.
Sorting by Trade Volume
Broker parties have the additional option to sort pending actions based on Trade Volume, present in Atlantis. Trade Volume is grouped into four different categories: Low, Medium, High, or N/A (no volume found), and refreshed daily at 6 PM ET. When selected, Pending Actions will be displayed showing High volume agreements first, down to N/A agreements with no activity.
The Trade Volume of an agreement is defined as follows:
- Order the total list of pending agreements by the their unsettled Trade Volume (contract count)
- Divide this list into thirds, with High representing the top third, Medium being the middle third, and Low being the bottom third.
- Any pending agreement without trade volume linked to the agreement will show N/A
Given that each firm has a different universe of agreements with pending Trade Volume, your counterparties may see a different volume category listed for a given agreement.
Please note, for agreements having "hide rates" selected, the Trade Volume group will only be displayed to the executing parties on a given agreement.
Action Drill-Down
Selecting the expand arrow (>) on a Pending Action row will display additional details for the agreement. The agreement can always be accessed directly by selecting the hyperlinked agreement ID or workstream name. The agreement page for the selected agreement will open in a separate browser tab.
Visibility Request
Visibility Requests are created when a broker party initiates an agreement with a Customer or Trader party who has not previously granted visibility to the broker. These requests may be actioned (Approved or Rejected) by Party Admins for the Customer or Trader party.
Visibility requests may be approved by selecting either the green check icon to approve, or red X to reject, after which the pending agreement will move to Composition or InitiationRejected status.
For additional details on the Dashboard itself, please review the following Accelerate articles:
Introduction to the Accelerate Dashboard
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