Docs allows for users to download clearing account reports with different search & filter criteria such as: Clearing Account Name, Clearing Broker, Customer, Trader, and Clearing Account Type (Customer Clearing Account or FCM Processing Reference)
Below is an example of a clearing account report download:
(The report can be downloaded in CSV format, as described in the next section.)
Accessing the Clearing Accounts Library in Docs
Parties operating in a Clearing Broker, Customer or Trader role can access the Clearing Account Library by going to Docs>Clearing Accounts.
Filtering Clearing Accounts in the Library
In the Clearing Account Library, users can search for accounts by entering the Clearing Account Number in the "Search Accounts" field at the top left of the page.
Several columns can be filtered based on the drop downs available to further narrow down the list prior to exporting the report. These include the party roles of: Clearing Broker, Customer, and Trader, as well as the Status and Account Type.
To export a CSV file of the report, select the "Export" button at the top right of the page. The below message will pop up, and the downloaded file will be sent to the Reports Folder found in the upper right corner, next to the logged in user's name.
Please refresh the browser page for the report to show in the reports folder.
Then, select the folder icon, and download the most recent report(s), or click “See All Reports”.
Additionally, one or more specific clearing accounts can be selected and filtered by clicking the checkbox to the left of the clearing account. This will trigger the 'Bulk Action Accounts' flyout to appear. The selected accounts can be further actioned from there, and a report of those clearing accounts can also be generated by selecting "Export" on the flyout.
More details on Bulk Editing in the clearing account library can be found in the following article: Bulk Editing Clearing Accounts in the Clearing Account Library.
As of the 185 Release, a Clearing Account Report can also be created on the Docs Search Page by any user from a Docs paying firm.
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