As of the 179 Release, Docs supports various actions being performed across multiple accounts and agreements via Bulk Editing tools. Users with Clearing Account Composer permissions will be able to perform actions on accounts for which their party is listed as the Clearing Broker. Available actions include:
- Associating Accounts to Agreements
- Expire Accounts
- Archive Accounts
- Export Account Details
- Edit Account Description
Editing Accounts in Bulk
To start the bulk editing process, select the check box next to the edit/pencil tool to the left of the clearing account(s) you wish to edit. When one or more accounts are selected, the Bulk Editor Flyout appears on the right side of the page. At the top of the flyout, it will show how many accounts will be affected, and displays the actions that may be performed on these clearing accounts.
Select All Option
The "Select All" feature in the Clearing Account Library will select all check boxes next to clearing accounts that may be edited, and the total number of accounts affected will be shown at the top of the "Bulk Action Accounts" flyout.
Associate Agreements (Suggested Agreements)
Associate - This associates the selected clearing account(s) to all Suggested Agreements (agreements with the Customer, Trader, and Clearing broker parties) listed as specified on either: the Agreement Dates, Today, or on a Specific Date. If no further details need to be added, such as a description or specific agreement IDs, selecting the green 'Add' button will automatically associate these clearing accounts.
Associate Agreements (Specific Agreements)
If you intend to associate accounts with a specified list of agreement, you may enter the agreements IDs in the bottom of the flyout, in the "Associate to Agreements" dialog box. Multiple Account IDs may be entered in this section, separated by commas, and committed via the "Save" button.
Expire Accounts (Today's Date)
Expire - This allows the clearing account(s) selected to all be expired with today's date.
Expire Account (Past or Future Date)
Users may also specify an expiry date using the "Expiry Date" field in the Edit Account Details Section, to set a date other than the current day.
Archive Accounts
Archive - This disables the account(s) so they may no longer be added to agreements. Archived accounts may be expired on agreements, and may later be re-enabled if necessary, however will not be available for addition to agreements while in the Archived state.
Export Accounts
Export - This generates a report of the selected clearing account(s). If you choose to 'Export' the clearing accounts, the report will appear in your download folder at the top of the page
and the extract will have the details below:
Edit Details - Description, Effective Date, Expiry Date
Firms may also edit the account Description, Effective Date (non-executed agreements only), and Expiry date (detailed above)
After adding any details, the green 'Save' button at the bottom right of the Bulk Action Flyout can be selected. Once the bulk action is completed, the following pop-up will appear, and the Clearing Account Bulk Association Report may be downloaded from the download folder at the top of the page, noting that it will take up to a minute to generate the report.
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