The Settlement Summary by Trade Month/Trade Year widget is located on the FIA Tech Accelerate Dashboard page. It provides metrics in USD, # of Contracts and % of Contracts with you as the Receiver (RCV) and Payer (PAY) in the following categories:
- Awaiting Affirmation
- Awaiting Approval
- Has Fee %
- Settle %
NOTE: For all percentage-based numbers, the rules of "Bankers Rounding" are followed, meaning that if a value is halfway between two whole numbers, the even number is what is returned.
This view is useful as it provides firms an overview of contracts that are eligible for settlement on Atlantis tagged with fees and the percentages that need to be actioned by your firms and counterparty. It should be monitored daily, especially as Receiver and Payer Deadlines approach.
Note on how to read this information: Awaiting Affirmation and Awaiting Approval do not equal 100%. In the above example screenshot, 62% Awaiting Affirmation means that 38% of contracts have been moved to Payer review, and 100% Awaiting Approval means that all of those contracts are pending Payer action.
The data can be filtered by trade date using the drop down in the top right corner of the widget. Be mindful that the date located on the upper right is NOT the Settlement Cycle date range. Users can filter the underlying data by the front 2 trade months or by trade year.
Add Settlement Summary by Trade Month/Trade Year Widget on your Accelerate Dashboard
If you do not see the Settlement Summary widget on your Accelerate Dashboard already, you can do so independently. To add the widget – select Actions on upper right of the dashboard.
Select Add/Remove Widgets
Select the green + button to add widget to Active Widget columns.
Once Settlement Summary by Trade Month/Trade Year is moved to Active Widgets column, save your view and the widget will appear on your Accelerate dashboard.
Receivables Settlement Summary
The Receivables Settlement Summary view provides an overview of contracts that are eligible for settlement on Atlantis tagged with fees and the percentages that need to be Affirmed by your firm as the Receiver and Approved by your counterparties. It should be monitored daily, especially as Receiver Deadlines approach.
In order to view a Participant’s Receivables statistics in the Settlement Summary widget, users can toggle the “RCV” button. To tie out these numbers in the Atlantis Summary screen, Participants should refer to the Receivables Summary Screen for the applicable Atlantis Participant Code.
Awaiting Affirmation
- These are the percentage of contracts pending your firm as Receiver for Affirmation
- Contracts with Fee Missing Affirmation Cannot Settle Reason out of total eligible volume of trades
Filter on Atlantis UI:
% Awaiting Affirmation
(ReceiverNeutral + ReceiverHeld + RejectedWithReceiver) / HasFee
Awaiting Approval
- These are the percentage that are pending your counterparties for Approval
- Out of those contracts that you've Affirmed, what percentage are still showing Fee Missing Approval Cannot Settle Reason (missing your counterparty action)
- Recommendation would be to reach out to Payer for action
Filter on Atlantis UI:
% Awaiting Approval
(PayerNeutral + PayerHeld + RejectedWithPayer) / (PayerNeutral + PayerHeld + PayerRejected + ReadyToSettle)
Has Fee %
- These are trades that are eligible for Affirmation from your firm and Approval from your counterparties
- Percentage of eligible volume with fee
Filter on Atlantis UI:
Match %
(HasFee / CanElectronicallySettle)
Settle %
- Percentage of eligible volume both Affirmed and Approved
Filter on Atlantis UI:
Settle %
(ReadyToSettle / CanElectronicallySettle)
Payables Settlement Summary
The Payables Settlement Summary view provides an overview of contracts that are eligible for settlement on Atlantis tagged with fees and the percentages that needs to be Affirmed by your counterparties as the Receiver and Approved by your firm as the Payer. It should be monitored daily, especially as Payer Deadlines approach.
In order to view a Participant’s Payables statistics in the Settlement Summary widget, users can toggle the “PAY” button. To tie out these numbers in the Atlantis Summary screen, Participants should refer to the Payables Summary Screen for the applicable Atlantis Participant Code.
Awaiting Affirmation
- These are trades pending your counterparties for Affirmation
- Contracts with Fee Missing Affirmation Cannot Settle Reason out of total eligible volume of trades. (Require action from your counterparty/receiver)
- Recommendation to reach out to your counterparty/receiver to action trades to move trades into Awaiting Approval queue for you/payer to action
Filter on Atlantis UI:
% Awaiting Affirmation
(ReceiverNeutral + ReceiverHeld + RejectedWithReceiver) / HasFee
Awaiting Approval
- These are the percentage of contracts pending with your firm as Payer for Approval
- Out of those contracts that your counterparty/receiver Affirmed, what percentage are still showing Fee Missing Approval Cannot Settle Reason that your firm needs to action
Filter on Atlantis UI:
% Awaiting Approval
(PayerNeutral + PayerHeld + RejectedWithPayer) / (PayerNeutral + PayerHeld + PayerRejected + ReadyToSettle)
Has Fee %
- These are the percentage of contracts that are eligible for Affirmation by your counterparties and Approval from your firm
- Percentage of eligible volume with fee
Filter on Atlantis UI:
Match %
(HasFee / CanElectronicallySettle)
Settle %
- Percentage of eligible volume both Affirmed and Approved
Filter on Atlantis UI:
Settle %
(ReadyToSettle / CanElectronicallySettle)
Best Practice
To get Awaiting Affirmation and Awaiting Approval to 0% and Match % and Settle % to 100% by either affirming or approving your eligible trades on Atlantis and working with your counter party to do the same.
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