The Aged Activity by Counterparty widget is located on the FIA Tech Accelerate Dashboard page. It provides metrics of the total # of contracts and the amount (in USD) currently on the Atlantis platform with you as both Receiver and Payer, broken down by counterparty. The data present in the widget is pulled in real time from Atlantis, so you will always be seeing an up-to-date view of the information.
If you are working to try and clear out a backlog, this view can be a shortcut to understanding where you can make the highest impact quickly.
Add Aged Activity by Counterparty Widget on your Accelerate Dashboard
If you do not see the Aged Activity by Counterparty widget on your Accelerate Dashboard already, you can do so independently. To add the widget – select Actions on the upper right of the dashboard.
Select Add/Remove Widgets
Select the green + button to add widget to Active Widget columns
Once Aged Activity by Counterparty is moved to Active Widgets column, save your view and the widget will appear on your Accelerate dashboard.
Understanding the Widget
The widget displays a pie chart that is populated with information based on your selected toggles. The toggles are:
- RCV|PAY = Toggle the view of your Receivables and Payables
- # of contracts/in USD = Toggle to choose to see the breakdown by either the # of contracts or the total amount in USD
- Date = Choose a date range from the dropdown menu
The widget will display your top 5 counterparties plus an “All Others” row when relevant.
There is also an option to Download Full Report within the widget if you would like to view the information in spreadsheet format.
Note that the widget includes all on-platform trades regardless of status. Therefore, you may see “Completed” trades included within the numbers of this widget. Once a trade is settled, however, it will no longer be represented in the widget.
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