In order to address outdated/incorrect product codes for OMX Stockholm 30 Index Futures and Options, FIA Tech will be updating the Docs Product Roster, and impacted Rate Schedules to reference the correct current code. No action is required by users for these updates to take place, however firms consuming rate schedules into systems outside of Docs may need to re-pull agreement data in order to have the updated codes reflected in systems.
This update will take place Sept. 7th, 2024.
Impacted Products
Updates will be made to the following incorrect product codes. Once completed, OMGZ references will be delisted in Docs.
Incorrect |
Correct |
Exchange Code |
Product Group |
Product Code | Product Name | Product Type | Exchange Code | Product Group | Product Code | Product Name | Product Type |
OM | EqIdx-SEK-OMX | OMGZ | OMXS 30 INDEX FUTURES | Future | OM | EqIdx-SEK-OMX | OMXS30 | OMXS Stockholm 30 Index Futures | Future |
OM | EqIdx-SEK-OMX | OMGZO | OMXS 30 INDEX OPTIONS | Option | OM | EqIdx-SEK-OMX | OMXS30 | OMXS Stockholm 30 Index Options | Option |
Updates made on all rate schedules attached to GUAs in Pending Initiation, Initiation Rejected, Composition, Execution, Stale, and Executed states. Rate rows for the products listed above will be inserted IF the incorrect product exists in the rate schedules, and IF a row for the valid product is not listed.
- Updates will take place on all rate schedules in rate schedule libraries
- All the brokerage rate information on the incorrect product (OMGZ) will be copied to the rate row for the correct product (OMXS30)
- If the correct product already exists in the rate schedule, the addition will be skipped.
- If the product group EqIdx-SEK-OMX exists with ALL for product code, the addition will be skipped, as the correct product code is already included in the Docs reference data under this group.
- Where agreements have been updated, last modified date of the agreement, and the rate schedule will be updated to reflect when the change occurs
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