Reports Available in Atlantis Notifications
The following reports are created for each Participant and are available either via the Notifications page in the Atlantis User Interface or can be accessed via sftp. Please reach out to if your firm is interested in accessing these reports via sftp. These reports are available to download by 3am Eastern Time.
Daily Digest
- Naming Convention: ATL_OUT_<Participant Code>
- Distribution Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: Daily snapshot of trades processed for Participant – XML format, but in a zip file
- Suggested Use: Review and measure Participant activity for each day
Prelim Trade CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_PRELIM_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Daily; Cycle business day 1 to weekday before Payer lock
- Trade Population: All Atlantis trades for Participant in current settlement cycle – Individual Trades
- Suggested Use: View status of all individual current cycle trades and determine steps needed to settle
Legacy Settlement CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_PRELIM_SETTLEMENT_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Daily; Cycle business day 1 to weekday before Payer lock
- Trade Population: All Atlantis trades for Participant in current settlement cycle – Aggregations
- Suggested Use: View status of all current cycle trades (aggregations) and determine steps needed to settle
Daily Trades CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_DAILY_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Daily
- Trade Population: Daily snapshot of trades processed for Participant
- Suggested Use: Review and measure Participant activity for each day
End of Cycle (EOC) Settlement CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_EOC_SETTLEMENT_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Payer Lock
- Trade Population: EOC report showing all Atlantis trades for participant in current settlement cycle - Aggregations
- Suggested Use: View end of cycle Invoices/reports for all current cycle trades (aggregations)
End of Cycle (EOC) Trade CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_EOC_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Payer Lock
- Trade Population: EOC report showing all Atlantis trades for participant in current settlement cycle – Individual Trades
- Suggested Use: View end of cycle Invoices/reports for all individual current cycle trades
Final Trade CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_FINAL_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Final Reports Issue date
- Trade Population: Final Settlement Status of all Atlantis trades for Participant in current settlement cycle – Individual Trades
- Suggested Use: View final settlement results for all individual current cycle trades. Note: If a trade(s) has failed to fund the ErrorInd column will be reflected as 'E' with the CannotSettleReason reflected as 'FeeCurrencyCannotSettleAtPayer'
Final Settlement CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_FINAL_SETTLEMENT_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Final Reports Issue date
- Trade Population: Final Settlement Status of all Atlantis trades for Participant in current settlement cycle – Aggregations
- Suggested Use: View final settlement results for all current cycle trades (aggregations)
End of Cycle Storage Billing Detail
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>
- Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Payer lock
- Category: Atlantis Billing
- Content: Shows firm's expected maintenance fees to be charged monthly for unsettled fees greater than 6 months from trade date
- Suggested Use: Reconcile FIA Tech's preliminary invoice statement. Help firms identify historic trades that should be settled in order to reduce maintenance fees.
Final Storage Billing Detail
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>
- Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Final Reports Issue date
- Category: Atlantis Billing
- Content: Shows firm's actual maintenance fees to be charged monthly for unsettled fees greater than 6 months from trade date
- Suggested Use: Reconcile FIA Tech's invoice statement post final settlement. Help firms identify historic trades that should be settled in order to reduce maintenance fees.
Estimate for Storage of Unsettled Contracts
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_MaintStorageEstimate_YYYYMMDD.xlsx
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: Atlantis Billing
- Content: Shows firm's estimates of maintenance fees to be charged monthly for unsettled fees greater than 6 months from trade date
- Suggested Use: Helps firms identify historic trades that should be settled in order to reduce maintenance fees
End of Cycle Banking Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_EOC_Banking_<Settlement CycleMMM-YYYY>_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Payer Lock
- Category: Banking
- Content: Report of payable/receivable settlement amounts broken out by counterparty and currency
- Suggested Use: Provides firms with comprehensive view of what they will pay and expect to be paid for recently closed settlement cycle
Final Banking Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_FINAL_Banking_<SettlementCycleMMM-YYYY>_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Monthly; Created on evening of Final Reports Issue date
- Category: Banking
- Content: Report of payable/receivable settlement amounts broken out by counterparty and currency
- Suggested Use: Provides firms with final comprehensive view of what was paid and will be paid for recently closed settlement cycle
Archived Trades Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_RCV_ARCH_<Trade Year>_YYYYMMDD.csv; <Participant Code>_PAY_ARCH_<Trade Year>_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Created post Settlement Cycle Close
- Category: Atlantis Backlog Remediation
- Content: Report of outstanding ineligible to settle Receivables and Payables for Participant slated for archiving by FIA Tech. Each report is split by Trade Year. Participants receive separate reports for Receivables and Payables
- Suggested Use: Provides firms a view of trades eligible for archiving in Atlantis to prioritize backlog remediation. If no action is taken on the trades, Participants can use Final version of files to close out trades internally.
Archived Unsettled In-Eligible Trades Report
- Naming Convention: <ParticipantCode>_RCV_INELIGIBLE_UNSETTLED_ARCH_TradeMonthYear_YYYYMMDD.csv; <ParticipantCode>_PAY_INELIGIBLE_UNSETTLED_ARCH_TradeMonthYear_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Report is produced post EOC completion {note, until the backlog has been caught up to 12 months this report will be produced on an ad-hoc basis prior to the weekend archival}
- Category: Atlantis Backlog Remediation
- Content: Report of outstanding in-eligible to settle Receivables and Payables for Participant slated for archiving by FIAT as part of archiving project work. Each report is split by Trade Year. Participants receive separate reports for Receivables and Payables.
- Suggested Use: Provides firms a view of trades that will be archived from Atlantis to enable manual invoicing where applicable.
Archived Unsettled Eligible Trades Report
- Naming Convention: <ParticipantCode>_RCV_UNSETTLED_ARCH_TradeYear_YYYYMMDD.csv; <ParticipantCode>_PAY_UNSETTLED_ARCH_TradeYear_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Report is produced post EOC completion
- Category: Atlantis Backlog Remediation
- Content: Report of outstanding eligible to settle Receivables and Payables for Participant slated for archiving by FIA Tech. Each report is split by Trade Year. Participants receive separate reports for Receivables and Payables.
- Suggested Use: Provides firms a view of trades that will be archived from Atlantis to enable manual invoicing where applicable.
Aged Receivable Trades CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_RCV_AGED_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Trade Population: Unsettled receivables trades from previous settlement cycles with Cannot Settle Reasons
- Suggested Use: Identify largest causes of receivables trade backlog broken out by counterparty, exchange, currency etc. Focus backlog remediation efforts.
Aged Payable Trades CSV
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_PAY_AGED_TRADE_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Distribution Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Trade Population: Unsettled payables trades from previous settlement cycles with Cannot Settle Reasons
- Suggested Use: Identify largest causes of payables trade backlog broken out by counterparty, exchange, currency etc. Focus backlog remediation efforts.
Docs Agreement Rate Schedule Issues
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_RateScheduleIssues_YYYYMMDD.xlsx
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: Performance Improvement
- Content: Rate schedule issues (exchange or product) by counter-parties and contract volumes that do not result in rates on trades
- Suggested Use: Helps firms identify Docs agreements with rate schedule issues that need to be fixed in order to improve match/settlement %
No Agreement Found
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_NoAgreementFound_YYYYMMDD.xlsx
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: Performance Improvement
- Content: Clearing accounts by counter-parties and contract volumes that do not result in rates on trades
- Suggested Use: Helps firms identify accounts on trades that are not matching and need to be added to Docs agreements
Non Executed Match Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>NonExecutedAgreementVolume_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: Performance Improvement
- Content: Allows firms to prioritize their non-executed agreements based on number of outstanding contracts in Atlantis that could become matched and/or become Settled as a result of executing these agreements
- Suggested Use: Prioritization of which Docs agreements need to be executed based on outstanding brokerage
- More information regarding how to read this report can be found here
Counterparty Rules Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_LdebCounterpartyRulesReport_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: OPB/ TPP and Translation Rules
- Content: Summarized details of fee counts, quantity and translation rules where the counterparty on a trade has been affected by a translation rule and moved to a new participant. Report created for each participant code will only populate details if/when the participant’s counterparty on the trade(s) has been affected by a translation rule.
- Suggested Use: Identify trade(s) where your counterparty has changed due to a translation rule and identify the trade facts (firm codes, accounts, etc) used for the translation rules on the trade(s).
Multiple Agreement Match Report
- Naming Convention: <Participant Code>_MultipleAgreementMatches_YYYYMMDD.csv
- Frequency: Weekly; File is made available each Sunday
- Category: Performance Improvement
- Content: Summary details of trades with Fee Calc Failure Reason: Multiple Agreements Found With Different Rates due to multiple agreements matched where the rate schedules have different rates for traded product
- Suggested Use: Details to be used in resolving Fee Calc Failure reason by making updates to Docs Agreements and rate schedules
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