FCR is available within the Docs application in FIA Tech's Accelerate platform.
The information below shows users how to -
Accessing FCR
FCR is accessed through Docs within FIA Tech’s Accelerate platform. To access data available within FCR:
- Sign into Accelerate
- Select the Docs application link in the top banner of the screen
- FCR documents can be accessed and worked on using the below tabs in Docs
- Documents
- Products & Rates
- Users & Parties
System Navigation
Documents Menu
Users can initiate and search FCR documents from the 'Documents’ tab under Docs.
- Initiate: Initiate screen allows users to initiate new FCR Documents
- User should select Fees & Commissions Schedule (FCR) to initiate FCR documents.
- Search: The Search screen will open by default. Document search screen allows users to search and open documents for review.
- User should select the FCR tab to search for FCR Documents
Products & Rates Menu
Users can browse for rate schedules, create new rate schedules, and reference product data and exchange membership information from the Products & Rates tab under Docs.
- Rate Schedule Library: Browse or search for available Rate Schedules or build/ upload new Rate Schedules. The Rate Schedule template is available for download here as well.
- User should select the Fees & Commissions tab to open the FCR library
- Products: Product reference data can be found here. A library of Exchanges, Product Groups, Products, Names, types, currencies, etc. can be viewed in this screen or downloaded in an Export. This is the product information used to build a rate schedule.
- Exchange Membership: Exchange membership and membership names/ types are available in the Exchange Membership table. This reference data is considered in calculation of Exchange & Clearing Fees.
Users & Parties Menu
Users can manage party settings and create and manage user permissions from the Users & Parties tab under Docs.
- Directory: Search directory for counterparty contacts, associated parties, and other contact details
- Manage Parties: FCR Party admins can search for Parties they are permission to and manage Party settings from this page.
- Manage Users: FCR User admin can add new users, manage user permissions and search for existing users from the page.
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