Users permissioned with the "FCR Party Admin" role for a given FCR Party can manage party settings that apply to FCR.
These settings differ between Securities Brokers and Securities Clients.
Party settings are managed within the Manage Parties screen available in the Users & Parties drop down.
Securities Broker
Securities Broker settings can be found under the FCR Broker Settings tab in the Manage Parties screen.
Brokers manage Letterhead, Approval Settings, Interest Rate Schedule, Default Notes and Contacts.
Party specific Letterhead can be uploaded in the manage party page.
In the Approval Settings, parties have the option of setting up their party to require two different users to action the document; this means that the user sending the document for Approval cannot also Approve the document in the Internal Review state.
Brokers can set up their Documents to require an Interest Rate Schedule and upload a default schedule which will be attached to all Broker-created FCR Documents within the Memo workstream. The broker can also edit the Default Notes, also available in the Memo workstream.
Party contacts are entered in the Contacts table. Contacts marked as a Sales Contact will be available to add as a Sales Contact in the Memo workstream of the FCR Document.
Securities Client
Securities Client settings can be found under the FCR Client Settings tab in the Manage Parties screen for parties permissioned with this role.
Clients manage Letterhead, Approval Settings, Exchange Memberships, and Approved Brokers list.
Party specific Letterhead can be uploaded in the manage party page.
In the Approval Settings, parties have the option of setting up their party to require two different users to action the document; this means that the user sending the document for Approval cannot also Approve the document in the Internal Review state.
The Exchange Membership will determine how the exchange fee is populated per rate line. Schedules containing rate lines for which there is no exchange membership set up for the given exchange will not populate exchange fees. The system will automatically apply "All" in the Exchange Membership if an exchange charges the same fee no matter the membership type.
The list of Approved Brokers represents Broker Parties who can create an FCR Document with the Client Party. Brokers will be automatically added to the Approve Brokers list when the Client creates a documents with a broker not yet populated in the list.
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