User management is done by each firm's User Administrators under the Manage Users page. Users with the User Administrator role can:
Information on how to manage users for the Docs Give-Up Agreement service can be found in Adding New Users and/or Permissions in Docs.
Adding a New User
To set up a new user account, follow the steps below:
Under the Users & Parties menu, select Manage Users
- Select the Add New User button in the top right hand corner of the screen
- Enter User Info, the users First Name, Last Name, and Email Address are required
- Next, select the Permissions tab
- FCS User Permissions are selected here. Permissions can be applied for all Parties within an Institution or applied per Party within an Institution.
- FCR Viewer: View access only to documents. This role is added by default to all users with the Composer and Approver user roles.
- FCR Composer: Initiate new FCR Document, add and edit rate schedules on documents, amend existing FCR documents to edit the rates, send document for approval
- FCR Account Composer: Edit the Accounts workstream
- FCR Approver: Internal Review and Counterparty Review state approval on FCR Documents
- Create RS Templates: Create and attach rate schedules
- FCR User Admin: Administer user access, responsible for permissioning users within an organization
- FCR Party Admin: Managing Party settings
- For "Client" parties this includes managing global exchange membership settings and approved broker list
- For "Broker" parties this includes managing default Notes and Interest Rate settings
- Select Save
- Email Notifications can be set per Party in the Email Settings menu
Updating User Permissions
User administrators can review the user permission of the users under their organization using the Manage Users page. To review the list of users or search for a specific user, follow the below steps:
- Under the Users & Parties menu, select Manage Users
- Enter user’s name in search box
- Select Search
- Select the User Account Name
- User Info can be updated here
- In the Permissions menu, the user’s permissions can be updated
- In the Email Settings menu, the user’s email notifications can be updated
- Save changes
Updates to the users email address as well as de-activation of users must be done via UserHub.
Email Notification Settings
User Administrators also manage the email notifications received by each user. By default, users are set up to receive no notifications. The setup of notifications is Permission users to receive Email Notification for FCR actions.
- Under the Users & Parties menu, select Manage Users
- Enter user’s name in search box
- Select Search
- Select the User Account Name
- Navigate to the Email Settings tab
- Check the FCR Email notification to enable for the user (see list of permissions below)
- Save changes
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