The Rate Schedule comparison feature allows for two rate schedules to be compared to each other. Currently standard rate schedule features are supported. Non-supported rate features include Min/Max, Add Ons, Volume Discount and Banding.
Users can compare two rate schedules either by selecting two agreements on the Agreement Search screen, or, in the event that an agreement has a following version, by clicking the Compare Schedules button in the Rate Schedule workstream.
Comparing Rates using Agreement Search
To compare the rate schedules of two agreements, choose two agreements from the list of search results by selecting the checkbox to the left of the Agreement State column. Agreements in any state can be compared, however, the chosen agreements must contain at least one electronic rate schedule each. PDF rate schedules cannot be compared to each other, or to electronic rates.
The "Compare Schedules" button in the top right hand corner of the screen will only become active when two rate schedules have been chosen. To initiate the rate schedule comparison, simply click "Compare Schedules".
If either of the chosen agreements contain more than two electronic rates schedules, a pop-up will allow you to choose which rate schedules you want to compare to each other. Select a rate schedule from each agreement and hit the "Compare" button to compare the selected rates.
Comparing Rates between Two Agreement Versions
The Compare Rates feature is also available directly on any agreement that has a preceding version. To initiate the rate comparison, click on the Compare icon that appears to the right of the rate schedule name. This will allow you to compare the rate schedule in question to the rates on the previous agreement. If the preceding agreement contains more than two rate schedules, a pop-up will appear upon clicking compare that allows you to select the rate schedule on the preceding agreement you want to compare your rates to.
Understanding the Rate Comparison Screen
Once the rate schedules have been chosen for comparison, the system will process the rates to identify differences between rate schedules. These results are displayed on the "Compare Rate Schedules" page. The top of the page shows differences or changes between the two rate schedules. The rate schedule of the oldest agreement will always display first.
A difference of change between one rate schedule to another is identified if the same product appears in both rate schedules, but there is a difference in one or more of the below rate attributes:
- Currency
- Trade Type
- Spread Type
- Rate Type
- Default Execution Type
- Brokerage Amount
These differences appear in red font in the comparison, see screenshot below for an illustration.
Products that appear only in one of the rate schedules, but not the other, are called out below the section marking differences between the two rate cards. In the screenshot below you will see products that appear only in the rate schedule "Another Rate Schedule" listed in their own section.
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