Each party in Docs has its own Rate Schedule Library that is accessible within the application. This is managed by users with "Rates Library Maintainer" permission, and they can create, upload and edit rates within the library for the specific Docs party they are associated with. Any rate schedule added to the library of a party becomes accessible for addition to give-up agreements by users of that party.
Accessing and Navigating the Rate Schedule Library
The Rate Schedule Library can be found under the "Products & Rates" menu in the Docs system navigation bar. While all users have access to browse the rate schedule library, only users with the "Rate Schedule Maintainer" permission can upload rates into the library.
Once in the Rate Schedule Library, users can either browse the available rate schedules by navigating through the page table, or search for rate schedules by specific rate schedule name, or by party.
- To find a rate schedule by name, use the first 'Search' box at the top to type all or part of the rate schedule name, and the search will find all rate schedules that match the search criteria.
- To find all rate schedules for a specific party, select the specific party in the second 'Search' box with 'All Parties' at the top.
In the list of available rate schedules, you will see the following information:
- Download, Upload and Delete Options (IF applicable) - Only rate schedules with NO associated agreements in ANY state (including terminated) can be deleted.
- Rate schedule name: This is always hyperlinked, selecting it will open up the rate schedule for review.
- Version: On all new/original rate schedules, this number will be version number "1". Any time a new/original rate schedule with the same name is uploaded, the version name goes up to the next number (i.e. 2, 3, 4, etc.).
- Associated Agreements - This number will show only non-terminated agreements. If the rate schedule is associated with only terminated agreements, the number will show as "0".
- Party Roles: This shows the party roles each rate schedule is available to be used on.
- Created Date: The date the first version of the rate schedule was uploaded to the library.
- Created By: The user who uploaded the first version of the rate schedule.
- Last Modified Date: The date the most recent update to the rate schedule was made.
- Last Modified By: The user who made the last modification to the rate schedule.
If no search criteria is selected, all rate schedules visible to you will display.
Create a New Rate Schedule in the Library
New electronic rate schedules can be created in the Rate Schedule Library by users with the Rates Library Maintainer permission by selecting the "Build New" button in the upper right corner. Please see more details in the following linked article: Rate Schedule Creation in Docs.
Upload a New Rate Schedule
New electronic rate schedules can also be added to the library by users with the Rates Library Maintainer permission. This can be done by selecting the "Upload eModule" button, which will allow a user to select an eModule from their computer to upload into the Rate Schedule Library.
Upon upload, a pop up will show the name of the file, but the selection of the party name the rate schedule is associated with (if the user has access to multiple parties), as well as the roles of "Customer", "Trader", "EB", or "CB" must be defined as well.
The party name and role selections determine which rate schedules will display when the "Search Library" button is selected while editing the "Rate Schedule" workstream of a Docs give-up agreement.
If a rate schedule with the same name as the file being uploaded already exists in the library, Docs will give a warning that a new version of the existing schedule is about to be created. You still have the option to cancel the upload at this point. If you don't want to overwrite the current version, you will need to rename the file prior to the upload.
Rate Schedule Validation Errors
When the rate schedule is uploaded, Docs runs a full rate schedule validation on the rates. If the rate schedule passes all validations, a success message will appear to confirm the rate schedule was successfully uploaded.
Any errors in the rate schedule will result in the full upload failing, and an error message will pop up to detail the issues, and identify which rows within the rate schedule are incorrect. Note: A single rate line may have multiple errors. In order to ensure there are as few errors as possible, we recommend running the validations in the eModule prior to uploading. The validations in the eModule will also catch the most common issues on rates, as listed below.
- Uploaded file is not in the correct file format: The file cannot be read because it is not in the correct eModule format. If you hid columns in the eModule, or the file you are trying to upload is not a macro enabled Excel file you will receive this error.
- Invalid product information: The product does not exist in Docs product reference data: some part of the product information (region, exchange, product group, product name, product type) does not appear as an active product in reference data.
- Invalid spread type: The selected spread type is not part of Docs reference data.
- Invalid trade type: The selected trade type is not part of Docs reference data.
- Invalid or missing rate type: No rate type has been selected, or the selected rate type is not part of Docs reference data.
- Invalid currency information: No currency has been selected, or if the selected currency does not exist in reference data
- Invalid brokerage rate specified: No brokerage amount has been specified, or the specified amount is not a valid number. Note: If volume discount or banding is being used, this field should always be blank and the brokerage amount should be specified within the volume discount and banding columns.
- Missing execution method information: No execution method has been selected, or the selected execution method does not exist in Docs.
- Missing default execution method: No execution method has been designated as the default.
- Multiple default execution methods for the same product: The same product has multiple execution methods selected as default.
- Invalid band rate setup: A banded rate has been set up incorrectly.
- Invalid volume discount rate setup: A volume discount rate has been set up incorrectly.
- Invalid/missing min/max information: The min/max information is incomplete, or invalid.
- Invalid/missing add on information: The add on information is incomplete, or invalid.
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