Rate schedules attached to agreements in Docs should, wherever possible, be in electronic rate (eRate) format. ERate schedules can be built in Docs using the eModule. For more information about electronic rate schedules, please see our "eModule Overview" article.
However, there are instances in which the Docs eRate format does not support the rate format. Examples of this include products with a complex pricing models, products that do not exist in Docs, and clients that do not use the system to view and approve GUAs, who want to use their own rate schedule. In these instances, any party to the agreement can apply for a waiver from mandatory eRates so they can upload a PDF Rate Schedule.
Applying for a Waiver from Mandatory eRates
While an agreement is in Composition, a waiver application can be submitted by editing the rate schedule workstream, and selecting the "Apply for Waiver" button in the Waiver section of the workstream. To submit the waiver, you must specify why you are requesting the waiver. Upon selecting "Submit", the waiver will be submitted to FIA Tech for review and approval.
Attaching a PDF Rate Schedule after Waiver Approval
Once the Waiver has been approved, select the "Choose File" button to select the PDF rate schedule to upload a PDF rate schedule file from your computer. Please note that only a file in a PDF format can be selected, and uploaded into this section. If you want to upload an electronic rate schedule to the agreement in addition to the PDF rates, you can use the Rate Schedule section in order to do so at any point in time while the waiver is pending, or after it has been approved.
If you receive a waiver on an agreement, but choose not to attach a PDF rate schedule, there is no requirement to do so. You can simply process the agreement as you normally would and attach an eRate.
Once the PDF rate schedule has been attached to the agreement, all parties to the agreement must approve the rate schedule workstream. In order to send the workstream for approval, be sure to enter an Executing Account, or enter 'TBA' if you don't have one, and "Send for Approval".
*Please note that when creating an Amendment to an agreement with a PDF rate schedule, you must apply for a waiver again in the amended agreement to keep the PDF attached to the agreement, or to add a new PDF rate schedule.
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