The eModule Navigation Panel is a non-modal form which is available via the eModule Ribbon, and may remain open while working within eModule data. Users are able to view the currently selected cell, jump to certain cells, modify rows, and copy data to new rows/cells, through this feature.
Navigation Panel
The Navigation Panel is divided into the Navigation/Rows Operations, and Copy Tools/GoTo Columns sections. These features allow for advanced navigation through the module, and various data population tools. The available features are detailed below.
Navigation/Rows Operations
- Address (Current) - The Address field will display the location of the currently selected cell within the eModule, in standard Excel format.
- First Cell - Selecting this button will navigate the cursor to the first cell within the eModule sheet (A4).
- Delete Row - Selecting this button will delete the currently selected row, or row of the currently active cell within the sheet. Please note, this will only delete the row of the selected cell, and will not remove multiple row selections.
- Insert Row - Selecting this button will insert a new blank row below the currently selected row, or row of the currently active cell within the sheet.
- Select Row - Selecting this button will select the row of the currently active cell within the sheet.
Copy Tools/GoTo Columns
- Select Row - Copy Insert Down - Selecting this button will select the current row, or row of the currently active cell within the sheet, and copy data into a newly inserted row directly below.
- Copy Top Cell Down in Empty - Selecting this button allows a user to populate a selected blank single-column range with the value in the cell directly above the top active cell.
- GO TO - Additionally, this section of the Navigation Panel allows users to jump directly to various data sections within the eModule.
- Region - Selecting this button will shift the actively selected cell to the cell within the ‘Region’ column (B) of the current row.
- Product - Selecting this button will shift the actively selected cell to the cell within the ‘Product Name’ column (E) of the current row.
- Brokerage Amount - Selecting this button will shift the actively selected cell to the cell within the ‘Brokerage Amount’ column (M) of the current row.
- Vol Disc - Selecting this button will shift the actively selected cell to the cell within the ‘Based On’ column (T), in the ‘Volume Discount’ group of the current row.
- Banding - Selecting this button will shift the actively selected cell to the cell within the Apply column (Z), in the ‘Banding’ group of the current row.
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