A snapshot of the an Agreement's Approval Status may be viewed on the Docs Search page, as well as downloaded into a report detailing the status of each workstream on an agreement, distinguished by each of the parties present on that agreement. The Workstream Status Widget can also be added to the Dashboard to display this same information.
Report Overview
To see an overview of the workstream status for each of the main parties on an agreement, select one or more filters in the section on the left side of the page, and then select the checkbox next to "Approval Status" in the upper right and then "Search". Details will show in the main section of the Docs Search page.
The overview headers will show the overall state of the agreement, agreement ID, agreement type, the state of the workstreams overall, and then each of the main parties on the agreement, followed by the status of each of the workstreams for that party (LL - Legal Language, RS - Rate Schedules, CA - Clearing Accounts, and Exec - Execution Phase).
- A blue circle indicates that a conformed party has not approved that particular workstream.
- A green checkmark indicates that a party has approved that workstream. (Note: If the party is non-conformed, but a conformed party on the agreement has approved one or more of the workstreams, the non-conformed party will show a green checkmark as well.)
- A red X indicates that the workstream was rejected (all parties will show this rejection).
- A grayed out circle indicates the workstream is not ready for approval/is in Composition.
Additional details such as Effective, Executed and Last Modified dates can be seen when scrolling to the right.
Creating Approval Status Report
To generate a full Approval Status Report that can be downloaded, first perform a search for the agreements you would like included in the report. Some options for searching include:
- Agreement State (ex. Composition and Execution for the status of all in-flight agreements)
- Counterparty
- Agreements initiated within a given date range
Once the agreement search results are displayed in the main section, a "Reports" button will appear in the upper right corner of the page, with "Approval Status Report" available in the dropdown. Selecting this option will begin generating the report, which will be presented in the Reports folder in the top toolbar once complete.
Once the report has been created (typically 15-30 seconds) the Report Folder icon in the top toolbar (shown in green below) will update with a flag indicating that a new report has been added. The report may then be downloaded by selecting the Reports Folder, and then the download icon in the row of the desired report.
Report Contents
The report contains a single row for each agreement included in your search, as well as the Initiated Date, Agreement Type, and Agreement State, in addition to the current approval status (Y/N) for each workstream (LL - Legal Language, RS - Rate Schedules, CA - Clearing Accounts, EXEC - Execution Approval), party and role on the agreement.
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